Solution Focused Therapy

Today we are highlighting Solution Focused Therapy (SFT).

SFT is a type of therapy that is very goal oriented, short term and focused in the present. This means that if you’re participating in SFT you will not be getting into events and memories from your childhood, or even getting caught up in the details of the problem at hand. The idea of SFT is to find a solution that is workable and realistic as quickly as possible. SFT does this by working with “exceptions” to the problem. Exceptions refer to times when the problem at hand is not as intense. Once these windows are identified, the client and therapist work together to understand this more and create a solution based on this information.

SFT can be used with a variety of problems an individual might face. It is a short term therapeutic intervention, not often lasting more than 6 sessions.

We are lucky to have several therapists who provide Solution Focused Therapy, they are: Dr. Pam Dodsworth, Melissa Heiney, Lee Ann Calabrese, Kim Medford, Jo-Anne Burt, Jennifer Fudge Marsh, Brenda Keith and Angela Gionet.