Adult Psychological/Psychodiagnostic Assessment

Adult Psychological Testing addresses questions about mental health diagnoses to better understand cognitive and emotional processes. These assessment services are useful in treatment planning and determining appropriate services for adults who may have mental health concerns. This type of testing can be used to provide a diagnosis to a wide range of mental health concerns, such as anxiety, depression, schizophrenia and personality disorders.

This type of testing involves an extensive review of the client’s background, the completion of various questionnaires, a structured clinical interview and a written report with a diagnosis (if applicable) and treatment recommendations.

Effective October 1, 2023, the fee for an adult psychological/psychodiagnostic assessment can range from $1800-2200 based on case complexity.

Team Members

Who can help
  • Caley McNamara
  • Chelsea Arsenault 
  • Jessica Scott
  • Dr. Pam Dodsworth